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Conditions and fees :

The first consultation (at firm, by phone or by email) is charged at 110 Euros on the base of 45 minutes.

The goal of this first consultation is to provide a first analysis of the client's case and to explain the different ways of resolving the case (e.g. drafting of letters, legal proceedings, mediation, ...).

At the end of this first consultation and in case the client decides to further call upon the services of the law firm, the content of the future missions will be defined and an agreement regarding the fees will be drafted. 

The fees will be determined in function of the characteristics of the case and a lump-sum or an hourly rate will be agreed upon.

In that case, the hourly fee is charged at 20 Euros or 280 Euros (specialized fee).

A percentage of fees may also be negotiated according to the amount of the demand.

The fees are the remuneration of the lawyer, and thus do not include the costs relating to the case (bailiff fees, expert fees, registrer letter, translation etc) which remain the responsibility of the client. 

Maître Bénédicte RAJOT can request a provision on costs and fees under art 11.6 of the RIN. 


Methods of payment accepted : check, bank transfer, cash.

Methods of payment not accepted : credit card. 

If you are interested in the services proposed by Maître Bénédicte RAJOT, you can contact the law firm by fulfilling the form on the contact page or by calling the law firm on one of the numbers mentioned in the contact page.

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